Villella M, Villella A, Santoro L, Santoro E, Franzosi MG, Maggioni AP, on behalf of GISSI Investigators |
Ergometric score systems after myocardial infarction: prognostic performance of Duke Treadmill Score, Veterans Administration Medical Centre Score and of a novel score system, GISSI-2 Index, in a cohort of survivors of acute myocardial infarction Am Heart J 2003. 145 : 475 - 483 |
Moccetti T, Malacrida R, Pasotti E, Sessa F, Genoni M, Barlera S, Turazza F, Maggioni AP, for the Investigators of the Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza nell'Infarto Miocardico (GISSI-2) |
Epidemiologic variables and outcome of 1972 young patients with acute myocardial infarction. Data from the GISSI-2 database Arch Intern Med 1997. 157 : 865 - 869 |
Carinci F, Nicolucci A, Ciampi A, Labbrozzi D, Bettinardi O, Zotti AM, Tognoni G, on behalf of the Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza all'Infarto Miocardico |
Role of interactions between psychological and clinical factors in determining 6-month mortality among patients with acute myocardial infarction. Application of recursive partitioning techniques to the GISSI-2 Data-base Eur Heart J 1997. 18 : 835 - 845 |
Tavazzi L, Volpi A, for the GISSI Investigators |
Remarks about postinfarction prognosis in light of the experience with the Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza nell'Infarto Miocardico (GISSI) Trial Circulation 1997. 95 : 1341 - 1345 |
Fresco C, Avanzini F, Bosi S, Franzosi MG, Maggioni AP, Santoro L, Bellanti G, on behalf of GISSI-2 Investigators |
Prognostic value of a history of hypertension in 11483 patients with acute myocardial infarction treated with thrombolysis J Hypertension 1996. 14 : 743 - 750 |
Zuanetti G, Neilson JMN, Latini R, Santoro E, Maggioni AP, Ewing DJ, on behalf of GISSI-2 Investigators |
Prognostic significance of heart rate variability in post-myocardial infarction patients in the fibrinolytic era. The GISSI-2 results Circulation 1996. 94 : 432 - 436 |
Villella A, Maggioni AP, Villella M, Giordano A, Turazza FM, Santoro E, Franzosi MG, on behalf of the GISSI-2 Investigators |
Prognostic significance of maximal exercise testing after myocardial infarction treated with thrombolytic agents: the GISSI-2 data-base Lancet 1995. 346 : 523 - 529 |
Levantesi G, Volpi A, Di Marco G, Bertoli D, Tusa M, Cavalli A, Rosselli P, Dalle Mule J, Gibelli G, Pirazzini L, Aletto C, Pizzetti F, Bechi S, Stuto A, Barlera S, Maggioni AP, a nome dei Ricercatori del GISSI-2 |
La funzione ventricolare sinistra nell'infarto del miocardio. Analisi delle variabili prognostiche nel data-base dello studio GISSI-2 G Ital Cardiol 1995. 25 : 1177 - 1186 |
Mauri F, Maggioni AP, Franzosi MG, De Vita C, Santoro E, Santoro L, Giannuzzi P, Tognoni G, for the GISSI-2 Investigators |
A simple electrocardiographic predictor of the outcome of patients with acute myocardial infarction treated with a thrombolytic agent J Am Coll Cardiol 1994. 24 : 600 - 607 |
Marino P, Nidasio G, Golia G, Franzosi MG, Maggioni AP, Santoro E, Santoro L, Zardini P, on behalf of the GISSI-2 Investigators |
Frequency of predischarge ventricular arrhythmias in postmyocardial infarction patients depends on residrual left ventricular pump performance and is independent of the occurence of acute reperfusion J Am Coll Cardiol 1994. 23 : 290 - 295 |
Volpi A, De Vita C, Franzosi MG, Geraci E, Maggioni AP, Mauri F, Negri E, Santoro E, Tavazzi L, Tognoni G, (ad hoc Working Group of GISSI-2 data-base) |
Predictors of nonfatal reinfarction in survivors of myocardial infarction after thrombolysis J Am Coll Cardiol 1994. 24 : 608 - 615 |
Gnecchi-Ruscone T, Piccaluga E, Guzzetti S, Contini M, Montano N, Nicolis E, on behalf of GISSI-2 Investigators |
Morning and monday: critical periods for the onset of acute myocardial infarction. The GISSI-2 study experience Eur Heart J 1994. 15 : 882 - 887 |
Nobili A, D'Avanzo B, Santoro L, Ventura G, Todesco P, La Vecchia C, on behalf of GISSI-EFRIM Investigators |
Serum cholesterol and acute myocardial infarction: a case-control study from the GISSI-2 trial Br Heart J 1994. 71 : 468 - 473 |
Negri E, La Vecchia C, Nobili A, D'Avanzo B, Bechi S, on behalf of GISSI-EFRIM Investigators |
Cigarette smoking and acute myocardial infarction Eur J Epidemiol 1994. 10 : 361 - 366 |
Volpi A, De Vita C, Franzosi MG, Geraci E, Maggioni AP, Mauri F, Negri E, Santoro E, Tavazzi L, Tognoni G, (the ad hoc Working Groups of GISSI-2 Data Base) |
Determinants of 6-month mortality in survivors of myocardial infarction after thrombolysis. Results of the GISSI-2 data base Circulation 1993. 88 : 416 - 429 |
Negri E, Franzosi MG, La Vecchia C, Santoro L, Nobili A, Tognoni G, on behalf of GISSI-EFRIM Investigators |
Tar yield of cigarettes and risk of acute myocardial infarction Br Med J 1993. 306 : 1567 - 1570 |
Maggioni AP, Zuanetti G, Franzosi MG, Rovelli F, Santoro E, Staszewsky L, Tavazzi L, Tognoni G, on behalf of GISSI-2 Investigators |
Prevalence and prognostic significance of ventricular arrhythmias after acute myocardial infarction in the fibrinolytic era. GISSI-2 results Circulation 1993. 87 : 312 - 322 |
Zuanetti G, Latini R, Maggioni AP, Santoro L, Franzosi MG, on behalf of GISSI-2 Investigators |
Influence of diabetes on mortality in acute myocardial infarction: Data from the GISSI-2 study J Am Coll Cardiol 1993. 22 : 1788 - 1794 |
Maggioni AP, Maseri A, Fresco C, Franzosi MG, Mauri F, Santoro E, Tognoni G, on behalf of the Investigators of the GISSI-2 |
Age-related increase in mortality among patients with first myocardial infarctions treated with thrombolysis New Engl J Med 1993. 329 : 1442 - 1448 |
Maggioni AP, Franzosi MG, Santoro E, White H, Van de Werf F, Tognoni G, the GISSI-2 and the International Study Group |
The risk of stroke in patients with acute myocardial infarction after thrombolytic and antithrombotic treatment New Engl J Med 1992. 327 : 1 - 6 |
Roncaglioni MC, Santoro L, D'Avanzo B, Negri E, Nobili A, Ledda A, Pietropaolo F, Franzosi MG, La Vecchia C, Feruglio GA, Maseri A, on behalf of GISSI-EFRIM Investigators |
Role of family history in patients with myocardial infarction. An Italian case-control study Circulation 1992. 85 : 2065 - 2072 |
GISSI-2 and International Study Group |
Six-month survival in 20891 patients with acute myocardial infarction randomized between alteplase and streptokinase with or without heparin Eur Heart J 1992. 13 : 1692 - 1697 |
Negri E, Santoro L, D'Avanzo B, Nobili A, La Vecchia C, on behalf of GISSI-EFRIM Investigators |
Body mass and acute myocardial infarction Prev Med 1992. 21 : 292 - 301 |
The International Study Group |
In-hospital mortality and clinical course of 20891 patients with suspected acute myocardial infarction randomised between alteplase or streptokinase with or without heparin Lancet 1990. 336 : 71 - 75 |
Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza dell'Infarto Miocardico |
GISSI-2: A factorial randomised trial of alteplase versus streptokinase and heparin versus no heparin among 12490 patients with acute myocardial infarction Lancet 1990. 336 : 65 - 71 |
Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri-ANMCO, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche 'Mario Negri' |
Protocollo di ricerca GISSI-2 G Ital Cardiol 1988. 18 : 624 - 631 |
Tognoni G, D'Avanzo B, Franzosi MG, Gramenzi AG, La Vecchia C, Maggioni AP, Mezzanotte G, Nobili A, Pogna M, Volpi A, Feruglio GA, Fresco C, Maseri A, Andreotti F, Shoulders C, Sperti G |
GISSI-2. Sottoprogetto aspetti epidemiologici e genetici dei fattori di rischio per infarto miocardico G Ital Cardiol 1988. 18 : 770 - 772 |