Staszewsky L, Meessen JMTA, Novelli D, Wienhues-Thelen UH, Disertori M, Maggioni AP, Masson S, Tognoni G, Franzosi MG, Lucci D, Latini R | Total NT-proBNP, a novel biomarker related to recurrent atrial fibrillation BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2021. 21(1) : 553 |
Staszewsky L, Masson S, Barlera S, Disertori M, Boni S, Bertoli D, Vriz O, Pasotti E, Zeni P, Vago T, Maggioni AP, Tognoni G, Latini R; on the behalf of the GISSI-AF Investigators. | Cardiac Remodeling, Circulating Biomarkers and Clinical Events in Patients with a History of Atrial Fibrillation. Data from the GISSI-AF Trial. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther 2015. 29 (6) : 551 - 561 |
Disertori M, Franzosi MG, Barlera S, Cosmi F, Quintarelli S, Favero C, Cappellini G, Fabbri G, Maggioni AP, Staszewsky L, Moroni LA, Latini R, on behalf of the GISSI-AF investigators | Thromboembolic event rate in paroxysmal and persistent atrial fibrillation: Data from the GISSI-AF trial BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2013. 13: : 28 |
Latini R, Masson S, Pirelli S, Barlera S, Pulitano G, Carbonieri E, Gulizia M, Vago T, Favero C, Zdunek D, Struck J, Staszewsky L, Maggioni AP, Franzosi MG, Disertori M; on the behalf of the GISSI-AF Investigators. | Circulating cardiovascular biomarkers in recurrent atrial fibrillation: data from the GISSI-Atrial Fibrillation Trial. J Intern Med 2011. 269 : 160 - 171 |
Staszewsky L, Wong M, Masson S, Raimondi E, Gramenzi S, Proietti G, Bicego D, Emanuelli C, Pulitanò G, Taddei F, Nicolis EB, Correale E, Fabbri G, Bertocchi F, Franzosi MG, Maggioni AP, Tognoni G, Disertori M, Latini R; GISSI-AF Investigators | Left atrial remodeling and response to valsartan in the prevention of recurrent atrial fibrillation: the GISSI-AF echocardiographic substudy. Circ Cardiovascular Imaging 2011. 4(6) : 721 - 728 |
Masson S, Aleksova A, Favero C, Staszewsky L, Bernardinangeli M, Belvito C, Cioffi G, Sinagra G, Mazzone C, Bertocchi F, Vago T, Peri G, Cuccovillo I, Masuda N, Barlera S, Mantovani A, Maggioni AP, Franzosi MG, Disertori M, Latini R; on behalf of the GISSI-AF investigators. | Predicting atrial fibrillation recurrence with circulating inflammatory markers in patients in sinus rhythm at high risk for atrial fibrillation: data from the GISSI atrial fibrillation trial. Heart 2010. doi:10.1136/hrt.2009.191460 |
Masson S, Aleksova A, Favero C, Staszewsky L, Bernardinangeli M, Belvito C, Cioffi G, Sinagra G, Mazzone C, Bertocchi F, Vago T, Peri G, Cuccovillo I, Masuda N, Barlera S, Mantovani A, Maggioni A P, Franzosi M G, Disertori M, Latini R, GISSI-AF Investigators | Predicting atrial fibrillation recurrence with circulating inflammatory markers in patients in sinus rhythm at high risk for atrial fibrillation: data from the GISSI atrial fibrillation trial Heart 2010. 96 : 1909 - 1914 |
GISSI-AF Investigators | Valsartan for prevention of recurrent atrial fibrillation. New Engl J Med 2009. 360(16) : 1606 - 1617 |
Disertori M, Latini R, Maggioni AP, Delise P, Di Pasquale G, Franzosi MG, Staszewsky L, Tognoni G, on behalf of GISSI-AF Investigators | Rationale and design of the GISSI-atrial fibrillation trial: randomized, prospective, multicenter study on the use of valsartan, an angiotensin II AT1-receptor blocker, in the prevention of atrial fibrillation recurrence J Cardiovasc Med 2006. 7 : 29 - 38 | |